RENTALS +1 952 303-6226
TECHNOVISION 1.5X Anamorphic Primes
These 1.5x anamorphic primes are the perfect compliment to our 40-70 and 70-200mm TECHNOVISION anamorphic zooms. The 1.5x squeeze factor suits these lenses perfectly to pair with sensors anywhere from S35 to Full Format, and even the 50, 75, and 100mm work well with the 65/70 scope format. They are based on the iconic 70s optical design that helped create the looks of Apocalypse Now and The Last Emperor (Vittorio Storaro, ASC, AIC) and were recently used on "Black Adam" (Lawrence Sher, ASC), one of the biggest US productions of 2021.
The P+S Technik Technovision Anamorphics are available for rental now at CineMechanics. To learn more or book now, contact us or fill out a Rental Inquiry form.
•136mm LMB Mattebox
•136mm SSLR